Defining Endurance and How to Increase It



Endurance is the ability to exert oneself over time, while recovering physical stamina reasonably quickly. How does endurance differ for the average person, versus the endurance athlete?

Endurance athletes become experts at scientifically and systematically extending the weight and distance of their workouts. By utilizing specific techniques, competitors are able to build  up extreme levels of stamina to outperform the average athlete. 

Endurance is often defined as the ability to run long distances. This can be measured by  completing a specific athletic event, such as 5K, half-marathon, or marathon. To train for such events, you typically have to adhere to a regimented schedule. But what about just building stamina without having a specific goal? What is endurance for improved overall fitness and athleticism? 

Elite athletes who participate in endurance running, cycling, or swimming (or all three, in triathlons) are strong, flexible, and able test the limits of their bodies. Eating right, sleeping well, and staying hydrated are essential to achieving peak performance status. Check out Hydration Multiplier for 2-3x the hydration of water alone.   


Five Simple Ways to Increase Endurance

What is endurance compared to strength, flexibility or balance? Building endurance requires a balanced approach that gradually increases workload while incorporating rest, recovery, nutrition and practice. Below are five simple ways to begin building endurance.  

 1. Improve Breathing

How well do you breathe? Before beginning an exercise program, seek to normalize your breathing and pay attention to stabilizing it. 

 2. Add Adaptogens  

Adaptogens are a type of herbal medicine that claim to stabilize physiological processes and promote homeostasis. Used widely in Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is a popular adaptogen that can improve endurance and increase ability to handle stress. Some proponents believe that specific dosages may help improve cardio endurance.  

 3. Practice Daily or Weekly Exercise 

Choose to build endurance with daily or weekly practice, allowing for rest and recovery. Build slowly by adding weight and/or time to your workouts gradually, challenging yourself consistently to do a bit more each day or each week.

 4. Address Sleep Issues

Poor sleep is an annoying reality for most Americans. Some of the most common sleep issues include not enough sleep, irregular bedtime schedules, and difficulty sleeping through the night. Sleep is essential for recovery and without it, building endurance will be slow, difficult, or even impossible. Aim to establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same times every day. Sleep Multiplier is a great way to help you ease into sleep faster when your mind is racing at bedtime. 

 5. Consider Caffeine

When consumed at the right time of day (i.e. before your workout), caffeine can help boost exercise performance and help you maintain stamina. Try Energy Multiplier to experience ~100 mg of fast-acting, natural caffeine (like drinking 1-2 cups of coffee). Consider it the perfect jolt to fuel your workout and keep energy steady while you build endurance.

Whether you’re a long-distance runner, or just an active person who wants to increase endurance, maintaining healthy practices should always be top of mind. Try these helpful hints to help you fuel your endurance training and prepare to feel better, faster! 


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